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School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference. 
If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed, please ask the school office.

If you have any questions about policies then please contact us

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy

Accessibility Policy & Plan

Charging and Remissions Policy

Disability Discrimination Policy

Department for Education Exclusion Policy

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) Policy

Educational Visits Policy

Monks Abbey Primary Equality Objectives 


Objective 1: Undertake an analysis of recruitment data and trends with regard to race, gender and disability by July, and report on this to the Staffing and Finance sub-committee of the governing board.

Why we have chosen this objective: Given the nature of the school’s context we look to ensure that the staff diversity reflects the diversity within the wider community.

To achieve this objective we plan to: Ensure that recruitment policies are followed and information on changes to the staffing team are reported termly through the Headteachers’ Report to Governors.


Objective 2: Have in place a reasonable adjustment agreement for all staff with disabilities by July, to meet their needs better and ensure that any disadvantages they experience are addressed.

Why we have chosen this objective: Individual needs and circumstances are considered and addressed in line with equality.

To achieve this objective we plan to: Meet with staff following any absence or illness to ensure that reasonable adjustments are in place to support their transition back to work following an absence.


Objective 3: Train all members of staff and governors involved in recruitment and selection on equal opportunities and non-discrimination by the beginning of the next academic year.

Why we have chosen this objective: To ensure that all staff involved in recruitment are aware of current legal practices.

To achieve this objective we plan to: Seek training opportunities for staff (online).


Objective 4: Include the 'Two Ticks' positive about people with disabilities symbol on all job adverts, application forms and information, to help address the under-representation of people with disabilities in the school workforce.

This objective is already achieved with our recruitment processes in school.

Pupil Equality, Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

Freedom of Information Policy

For FOI requests, please contact

Fire Risk Assessment Record of the Significant Findings 2021

Fire Evacuation Policy

Intimate Care Policy

International School Policy

Marking and Feedback Policy

Parent Code of Conduct Policy

Privacy Policy

Racial Equality Policy

Racial Incident Policy

School Travel Plan and Policy 2019

Staff Code of Conduct

Wellbeing Policy
