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Transition to a New Year Group or Secondary School

Transition to a New Year Group or Secondary School

When your child is moving to the next year group, we will endeavour to:

  • Ensure they meet their new teacher, see their new classroom etc before the end of the summer term so that they can start to familiarise themselves with their new environment
  • Provide additional transition visits to their new classroom if needed.
  • Discuss transition with you in the summer term review meeting
  • Provide other materials such as photobooks, social stories etc to aid transition if required


If your child is moving to Secondary School we will endeavour to:

  • Discuss this with you as early as possible, for most pupils with SEND this will be in Year 5
  • Invite the new school to attend the review in the summer term of Year 6 (in the case of pupils with an EHCP this would be earlier)
  • Liaise with the secondary school to provide additional visits if needed
  • Use materials such as the ASD 5,6,7 book, photobooks or social stories to aid transition if required
If your child has access to our counselling/Play Therapy services we will offer the continuation of this support for their first few weeks at Secondary School in September to help them settle in.